What is GetaKit by KFL&A Public Health?
GetaKit by KFL&A Public Health is a service which aims to increase HIV and STI testing, the frequency of testing, the number of people who know their status, and the number of people linked to treatment and care — all of which contribute to decreasing HIV and STI transmission. Having accessible and lower barrier HIV testing is particularly important to reduce infection rates in key population groups such as: Gay, bisexual, transmasculine identified individuals and men who have sex with men; People of African, Caribbean and other Black descent; and People who use substances and/or inject drugs. Contact the KFL&A Sexual Health Information Line at 613-549-1232 ext. 1275 if you have questions about this service.
Whether or not you’re eligible for HIV self-testing, you can still complete the STI Risk Assessment Quiz and come to the KFL&A Public Health Quick Test Clinic on 221 Portsmouth Avenue for testing. For clinic hours, visit: https://www.kflaph.ca/en/clinics-and-classes/Sexual-Health-Clinics.aspx
GetaKit by KFL&A Public Health is Status-neutral
This program employs a status-neutral approach to HIV care means that all people, regardless of HIV status, are treated in the same way. It all starts with an HIV test. Any result, positive or negative, kicks off further engagement with the healthcare system, leading to a common final goal, where HIV is neither acquired nor passed.
What test does GetaKit use?
GetaKit uses the bioLytical INSTI HIV self-test, which was approved by Health Canada on November 2, 2020. The INSTI® HIV Self Test is the only self-test for HIV now licensed in Canada, taking one minute to produce highly accurate results (> 99% accurate); a “positive” test result must still be confirmed with a laboratory test available in the health system.
If you’ve received a rapid/point-of-care HIV test before, this device is very similar. You’ll use the lancet provided to poke your finger for a drop of blood. You then follow the instructions included in your kit to complete the test and read the result. This test detects HIV antibodies, which is your body’s response to HIV.