Order a test. Do it at home. Get your results.

GetaKit is a study about the mail-out delivery of free HIV self-test kits. At GetaKit, you’re self-testing, but not testing alone.

GAK package on a front stoop

Who We Are

The GetaKit story

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Read our plain text consent form
our process

How Do I Get My Kit

Register online

Order your tests

Do it at home

Get your result

Order a test
Dive Deeper

What’s in a kit?

  • GAK test benefit here
  • Duis quam sem, maximus sit amet mi ac
  • Nunc bibendum maximus ante, et laoreet dui finibus
  • Consequat efficitur ligula
  • Duis quam sem, maximus sit amet mi ac


Are you eligible?

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You can order a test if you are:

  • 16 or older
  • HIV negative, or unsure of your status
  • Not enrolled in an HIV vaccine trial
  • Not diagnosed with a bleeding disorder


Have a question?

Read our FAQ

Want to get in touch?

Contact us

Need more resources?

If you have symptoms of HIV, or if one of your partners has been recently diagnosed with HIV, or if you think you need PEP, GetaKit may not be the right service for you.

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